Sunday, April 06, 2008

Every Little Thing She Does (is Magic),

she does only to avoid writing the dreaded essays which have been laying at her feet all week.

Indeed it's true. I'm the laziest person ever in the whole world. Maybe that's not actually true, but then again, maybe it is! Either way, this is how I feel.

I have to answer this question in essay form: Another important theme of Black Like Me is that blacks and whites behave differently in one another's company than they do when they are amongst themselves. How does this affect Griffin's experience? What does it say about the level of understanding between the two races?

It's either that question or four others having to do with this book, Black Like Me. It's a pretty incredible book, don't get me wrong, I just don't want to write right now, my friends. Ha! And I want to be an english major--who am I kidding? If I can't handle a 20th Century Lit. class, how am I to withstand college?

Dash it all to pieces!
to bed.