sometimes i feel i cannot make my posts interesting unless i include a picture or video. ?
to my right there is a weight watcher's bottle of orange soda (or should we call it, orange puke!) that is three quarters of the way drunk. i wonder who did that. probably some poor, unforunate soul who made the discovery of it's true intentions in mid-gulp.
why is it that on every other time of the year, do i have the urge to eat those little, sugary valentine's day candy hearts, but not on valentine's day? they will reside in my top drawer for fully six months before i acquire even the slightest craving that will induce me to eat them.
my ears are beginning to hurt from these clip-ons. i would take them off if i didn't think i looked so cool in them. it's not like there is even anyone around me! it's as if i think there is a hidden camera somewhere in this cluttered basement, recording me. me, being stupid and silly.
i have taken them off now. ashamed of myself.
i have taken to drawing trees lately, and pictures of people looking at objects that are symbolic of what they are thinking of, or of things they are subconciously trying to find in their lives. again, ?
this is a very identifying stage in my life. this whole year has been. so, if you ask how i am doing, that is probably what i am wanting to answer you with, but i'll most likely just say, "fine."
now, this is all very personal (haha, well, some of it anyway), so don't go chattin' it around to all your friends and moms. and don't over-analyze it. not that you would, i'm no Holden Caulfield or anything.
i love that name. i think i will name something/someone sometime in my life, it.