Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Oy vey.

This is something I've been saying too much. It's been substituted for things I formally said like, "Geez" and "Dang, woman!"
For instance, this evening I was taking a nap after I got home from a day of dusting and scrubbing at the Hall's. I was soaking into my sheets and covers, curled up and in that lovely state of nearly falling asleep and losing all of those ugly freezing sensations, when Jonjon yells, "NAT!"
I groaned and yelled back, "What?"
And the answer came back, that question I've learned to dread over the years, "Can you make the tea?"
I told him to leave me alone and that I was taking a nap. However, I have this guiltiness that is always creeps inside of me when I flatly refuse someone, and so I threw myself over my bed, and complained to the heavens, "OY VEY."

I kind of like the feeling of waking up after a nap, still in my jeans and my hair falling all over the place, discovering under my eyes smeared mascara, and them wishing they had never been opened, and the shortness of breath that follows this. For some reason. I can't explain it.

I finally cleared all of the books off of my bed, so I no longer have all of my belongings (scarves, pants, blankets, alarm clock) strewn all over the family room, where I have been living since Saturday night. In fact, my entire room looks pretty fantastic. I cleaned it.
Half of the wallpaper is no longer on it, and it gives it a sort of ghetto/bad hotel room look I'm enjoying. I've never been happier with the place.

Last night as I was laying in couch, dealing with my insomnia, something shocking hit me. (Don't worry, it was something completely immaterial.)
I could perhaps, maybe, spending Valentine's Day alone!
Not that I usually spend it with some dashing young fellow, but with Amy. But Brett Townsend is Amy's new interest, and Amy is Brett Townsend's new interest, which could mean they would be doing something together on Valentine's Day.

Now I'm walking away, humming the sad Charlie Brown tune to myself, head bowed.
At least I should be.
Maybe I will just ask a boy out before then.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jeremy Weber, listen to Beirut. they're astoundingly cool.

i am tearing off the wallpaper of my room. right, not steaming, but tearing. my dad came in and tore off a big piece as i was prepping to steam, and i thought, "all right! will do just like that, Pop!" so i've been tearing with my lovely pink knife i got at sears hardware.
my room is going to look unfurnished for a while. :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ever feel that you can't go to bed because you feel so dissatisfied?
You don't want to go to bed because then this dissatisfaction will carry to the next day and therefore, be doubley dissatisfying. This is how I feel.

sometimes nothing is right.