Friday and Saturday were so unspeakably depressing for me. I woke up on friday, did school, and then made pizza for the bible study that we hold every other week. People came, people went. I knew that nothing was exciting, and nothing was going to lift my mood. Not because I didn't want to feel better, but it was just a gray day with no silver lining. I hung out with some people who are my friends, but who are older than I am. We watched Fight Club, which I wasn't at all yearning to see. I went to sleep at 2:00 and woke up at 12:00 saturday. After going out and picking up some breakfast with Amy, I did school all day and made a dump cake. The day was hot and muggy, and I had a headache all day, a blazin' one. I think the most depressing thing about the day was that I went to a bonfire with my church last night in seventy-five degree weather. I mean, what gives? I called my BFF (haha) Renee to see if she wanted to hang out, but she said that she was hanging out with her mom and watching a movie. She was my last hope, and she was hanging out with her mother.
"This is stupid." I said to myself. Nothing really good or bad was happening: the volume of the day was medium, the grass was withering, and I had a headache.
Today things are different. My sister and brother in-law are officially leaving to florida. I was also just informed that my brother and his girlfriend broke up last night after dating for four years.
Whenever nothing is happening I need to be more content...I feel so bad for JonJon.
Hang in there man.