it was a great thing, so see her play. she's so good in person...almost better than on the cd. she played tons of stuff from all of her different albums. the first thing she said when she walked on stage and the crowd ERUPTED, was, "Hello...why are there so many of you?"
it was funny, she was a funny gal. very smiley and young, and just poured herself into the music she was playing, and making sounds along with the music. i think she could definitely do beat-box if she wanted.
i was on my tippy toes half the time trying to see her over all the heads (we were on the floor level about 15 ft. from the stage), and so afterwards my lower back and calves hurt like a mother.
sampson went back to bed,
not much hair left on his head,
ate a slice of wonderbread and then went back to bed,
i cut his hair myself one night,
a pair of dull scissors and a yellow light,
told me that i'd done alright,
kissed me till the mornin' light, the mornin' light...
she said "thank you guys so much!" and left, but returned for the oncore singing this song and another one. i was excited. it's one of my favorites.
so, good night to all, and to all a good night.