Friday, December 21, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
jump! into the leaves. i raked them just for you.
Happy First Day of December!
I think this should be a national holiday, the start of the twenty-five days of Christmas! Everyone should go outside and rake in celebration. I did. It was lovely. Listening to my headphones with my friend Bob Dylan singing,
"She's got everything she needs,
She's an artist, she don't look back
She can take the dark out of the nighttime
And paint the daytime black."
It was so cold, but I got used to it, and then it only felt nice after that.
Good old Winter. How good it is.
I think this should be a national holiday, the start of the twenty-five days of Christmas! Everyone should go outside and rake in celebration. I did. It was lovely. Listening to my headphones with my friend Bob Dylan singing,
"She's got everything she needs,
She's an artist, she don't look back
She can take the dark out of the nighttime
And paint the daytime black."
It was so cold, but I got used to it, and then it only felt nice after that.
Good old Winter. How good it is.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
nothing but a tribute
"feelings pervate me
that i try to scatter
but since it comes to nothing
they don't really matter
the polyphonic voice
that beckons in my head...
it must be quieted since
my place here is dead."
yes, he has great lyrics, and he's my brother. for life.
i went to see my friend shane play tonight (and some other bands) at a benefit show. i gave a whole $5 to helping the senior towle-ians go on their senior trip. i tried to get my other friend matt, who was manning the money box to let me in for free...but to no avail. instead i gave up and made him draw me an awesome stamp on my right hand.
they'll begin leaving tomorrow and i'll be left at home to study for the SATS and apply to more colleges.
that i try to scatter
but since it comes to nothing
they don't really matter
the polyphonic voice
that beckons in my head...
it must be quieted since
my place here is dead."
yes, he has great lyrics, and he's my brother. for life.
i went to see my friend shane play tonight (and some other bands) at a benefit show. i gave a whole $5 to helping the senior towle-ians go on their senior trip. i tried to get my other friend matt, who was manning the money box to let me in for free...but to no avail. instead i gave up and made him draw me an awesome stamp on my right hand.
they'll begin leaving tomorrow and i'll be left at home to study for the SATS and apply to more colleges.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
I'm officially one of those crazy people that has every kind of blog. One of those people that has to have a part in everything. That's saying something, i know it...perhaps i am living too much through the computer. -and i say this on a blog! blogspot though, i feel is very different from facebook or myspace or xanga. at least for me it is. i'm more personal on blogspot than any of those, mostly because i don't have a full community of blogspotters around me, so i feel that i can be more explicit with what i say on here.
you know what i wish? i wish i could take a writing class on the literary works of J.D. Salinger. i think that would be perfect.
i can't believe this is my senior year in highschool. when i think about the SATs, and how i'll probably do horribly on them and then not get accepted to any colleges, it makes me get this horrible feeling of anxiousness in my stomache. i hate being anxious, it's one of the worst things to feel like. it's like, if you could only stop thinking about the future and worrying about it, then you could have fun now. if only.
man, i don't even know what colleges i'm going to apply to yet. i'll probably apply to Delaware (just because it's so close, but i don't want to go there), Covenant, Carson Newman...but other than that, i don't really know. i just want to go to a college that will be good for me, you know? a place God wants me to be at...but i have no idea what he wants. i need to pray more, and get direction. that's what i need.
you know what i wish? i wish i could take a writing class on the literary works of J.D. Salinger. i think that would be perfect.
i can't believe this is my senior year in highschool. when i think about the SATs, and how i'll probably do horribly on them and then not get accepted to any colleges, it makes me get this horrible feeling of anxiousness in my stomache. i hate being anxious, it's one of the worst things to feel like. it's like, if you could only stop thinking about the future and worrying about it, then you could have fun now. if only.
man, i don't even know what colleges i'm going to apply to yet. i'll probably apply to Delaware (just because it's so close, but i don't want to go there), Covenant, Carson Newman...but other than that, i don't really know. i just want to go to a college that will be good for me, you know? a place God wants me to be at...but i have no idea what he wants. i need to pray more, and get direction. that's what i need.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Break me off a piece of that...
Friday, October 12, 2007
"We are always living in twilight."
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Today is different.

Friday and Saturday were so unspeakably depressing for me. I woke up on friday, did school, and then made pizza for the bible study that we hold every other week. People came, people went. I knew that nothing was exciting, and nothing was going to lift my mood. Not because I didn't want to feel better, but it was just a gray day with no silver lining. I hung out with some people who are my friends, but who are older than I am. We watched Fight Club, which I wasn't at all yearning to see. I went to sleep at 2:00 and woke up at 12:00 saturday. After going out and picking up some breakfast with Amy, I did school all day and made a dump cake. The day was hot and muggy, and I had a headache all day, a blazin' one. I think the most depressing thing about the day was that I went to a bonfire with my church last night in seventy-five degree weather. I mean, what gives? I called my BFF (haha) Renee to see if she wanted to hang out, but she said that she was hanging out with her mom and watching a movie. She was my last hope, and she was hanging out with her mother.
"This is stupid." I said to myself. Nothing really good or bad was happening: the volume of the day was medium, the grass was withering, and I had a headache.
Today things are different. My sister and brother in-law are officially leaving to florida. I was also just informed that my brother and his girlfriend broke up last night after dating for four years.
Whenever nothing is happening I need to be more content...I feel so bad for JonJon.
Hang in there man.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
tempted by the sunrise, only and hour and a half away
You may be wondering why I'm awake at this killer hour in the morning. it's 4:20 am. The reason is that I'm dumb and young. Actually, the real reason is that I just read a book for over 6 hours straight and finished it. I realized that I had to be done with it by monday, so why not just finish it before the weekend got started?
Of course now I feel sick to my stomache.
It's so late,
and I think I might die of exhaustion.
But I'm young.
I can handle it.
I've got bags under my eyes,
they would hold a world of travel maps,
they're so big.
They really are. My mum came up and studied my face this morning, and said, "Oh dear, hunny, look at those bags under your need more sleep."
And for some reason, now I'm happy about them. They prove that I finished that book (which I thought was neverending).
But now my body's telling me that I need sleep. --And that I'm stupid.
Au voir! Ashante!
(I'm fakin' that french, but I know Johnny M. would smile if he read it).
Of course now I feel sick to my stomache.
It's so late,
and I think I might die of exhaustion.
But I'm young.
I can handle it.
I've got bags under my eyes,
they would hold a world of travel maps,
they're so big.
They really are. My mum came up and studied my face this morning, and said, "Oh dear, hunny, look at those bags under your need more sleep."
And for some reason, now I'm happy about them. They prove that I finished that book (which I thought was neverending).
But now my body's telling me that I need sleep. --And that I'm stupid.
Au voir! Ashante!
(I'm fakin' that french, but I know Johnny M. would smile if he read it).
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
These colors are attrocious.
Yes. That is the last straw. What was I thinking when I made my blog this color? It would be better to be white. Maybe they belong somewhere in the on a Barbie, or a teddy bear, or somewhere where nobody can see it, but certainly not on a blog. At least not mine. The very feeling it gives me I despise. The real tragedy here is that I don't have any time to change it! I'm in need of sleep. I need to sleep away all those hours I spent at my classes and in Chorale. When I got home I grabbed some fast food (plain, soft flour tortilla shells...I have a facination with them) and some ice cold tea, and headed upstairs where I found a Rolling Stones magezine and my new favorites--Band of Horses. It is a fault of mine to not try something because "I don't think I'll like it". Band of Horses, for instance, was discovered by my brothers at the same time that they were (are) into bands like Animal Collective and The Fiery Furnaces. I immedietly thought that this band would be exactly like the others, not that there is anything so very wrong about those bands, but I just can't get into them very well. But I put B of H on my ipod, and I just put everything on my ipod because I have a ton of crazy space on it, and I barely know how to fill it up and I made it a point to try them out...and wala! I'm already beginning to memorize lyrics. So as I was saying, I put this band on, and it calmed me. Today was...rough on my pride. I'm used to having alot of friends wherever I go in school or church, or whatever. However, most of my friends in Mount Sophia graduated last year, and now that I'm taking classes there, I actually have to face the fact that I know not that many people. that. well. There are alot of people my age, but we only exchange short pleasantries like compliments on each other's clothing or hair. I went to my first class, and that was O.K. I met a girl named Matsy who had a neat look and cool freckles, and we talked a little with this other girl named Christy. After class was a little too awkward for me though, I had to stay there for another hour and a half before my next class started. I walked around thinking of what I could possibly do for lunch, and trying to find a nice sitting place where I could get some school work done. Someone I know named Stephen gave me a gingerbread cookie--that was my lunch, boys.
Not for this to be a pity letter or anything, I just want to let you know that this Weber is a dork. Ha! It's true. I knew it was coming. It's a shame, I'm going to have to get used to this new title...haha.
On a much cooler note, I'm going to see Feist on Friday. It should a holy goshen blast. And I hope you know that not all of this ranting-post was entirely serious.
Not for this to be a pity letter or anything, I just want to let you know that this Weber is a dork. Ha! It's true. I knew it was coming. It's a shame, I'm going to have to get used to this new title...haha.
On a much cooler note, I'm going to see Feist on Friday. It should a holy goshen blast. And I hope you know that not all of this ranting-post was entirely serious.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
It's their time.

Renee and Shane are my homefries: they're going to the University of Delaware.
John is discovering Washing State University.
Bethany is going to be off traveling the world.
Jeremy is at Covenant College in Georgia.
Keri, very excitedly, went back to Lancaster Bible College.
Anna to Westchester University.
Hannah went back to Carson Newman in her good old, Dolly Parton-loving state, Tennessee.
Jon went back to Emery and Henry in Virginia.
These are everyday pictures of people who are all very dear to me.
Hurray for friends! And cryptozoology.
Good morning, Baltimore.

This last boy, "Seaweed", is possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Just puttin' it out there.
Anyway, Hairspray! It's so fun, I would definitely suggest seeing it sometime. Kate and I went and saw it last night. Right afterward we were like, "Oy! Borders is still open! Let's so buy the soundtrack!" So, that's what we did, kids. We went and bought it before going to our friend Maddie's for a quick cup of coffee. The movie wired me up so much, it was crazy. I'm listening to it right now, and loving it.
Friday, August 03, 2007

Today I worked a twelve hour shift at the pool. I love my work, but sometimes it annoys me, because when I'm all tired and worn out at the end of the day, I think, "Wait...but all I did was watch people. p-r-e-t-t-y much." Yeah. I know you were thinking it too.
in any case though, i still worked for twelve hours. (if you hadn't noticed, i'm ditching the whole caps-lock-ing-everything-correctly deal. on purpose. it's too tiring.) so, twelve hours! twelve. that's like a good night's sleep plus 4. that's working 6 hours and only halfway through the day. that's like the number of sons Jacob had. the twelve tribes of judah!
This is kind of like what my friend Keri was doing to me tonight. She called me when i got home (at 9:00) and was asking me whether it was the usual hang out night at my house. i told her yes, or that i didn't know because i was tired and just worked that many hours. This is something like what she said:
"what! that's crazy. that's so long...oh my goodness. wow, and it was really hot out today. it was so humid, and hot! oh my gosh, it was 90 degrees. it was so steamin' outside, you poor, poor was boiling."
i calmly replied, "YES, i know."
Anyway, the moral of the story is: keep your chin up. out of the water. or at least your ears, especially if you have an ear infection. like me.
i like this picture, of my friends, johhny and tyler 'n me. and brett.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
i hate being in such despair tonight and not knowing why. "what the heck is my problem!", is what i keep thinking. and then i just start tearing up again.
i think i just need sleep. i'm sure that's the answer to my problem--whatever it is.
sorry to john maxwell who kept asking me if i was okay, and i just kept saying, "yeah, i'm fine. i'm just tired."
i felt like saying, "sorry, i know i look like hell, but i really don't know what my problem is...i just want to cry on somebody's shoulder."
i'm not just sleep deprived. there are other things.
it's like i just keep thinking of people's problems, and their hurts, and my heart just cries out in grief.
i need to go to sleep.
i think i just need sleep. i'm sure that's the answer to my problem--whatever it is.
sorry to john maxwell who kept asking me if i was okay, and i just kept saying, "yeah, i'm fine. i'm just tired."
i felt like saying, "sorry, i know i look like hell, but i really don't know what my problem is...i just want to cry on somebody's shoulder."
i'm not just sleep deprived. there are other things.
it's like i just keep thinking of people's problems, and their hurts, and my heart just cries out in grief.
i need to go to sleep.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
A hearty handclasp
Sometimes i think that a simple, long squeeze of the hand is all someone needs for comfort.
holding hands can be meaningless, but if the hand is held hard, it makes all the difference. to me, it just shows how much the person cares. they care about holding on.
a harsh reprimand from a respected person can tear a person apart.
it seems to happen to me alot. my attitude is almost always (seems like, anyway) wrong.
do i have anything more to add?
i think not...
holding hands can be meaningless, but if the hand is held hard, it makes all the difference. to me, it just shows how much the person cares. they care about holding on.
a harsh reprimand from a respected person can tear a person apart.
it seems to happen to me alot. my attitude is almost always (seems like, anyway) wrong.
do i have anything more to add?
i think not...
Wednesday, May 09, 2007

You've got plans,
And I've got mine,
But maybe someday our paths'll cross
like a perpendicular line.
For now I won't be sad,
It's just a temporary loss,
We might meet again in a later life
going together like a fork
and a knife.
i know, i'm bad at it. terribly bad at rhyming. i always think it makes thing sound so cheesey--at least when i try at it.
either way, friends,
remember your poetry.
oh gosh! my site looks so pretty, i can barely get over it!
Monday, April 02, 2007
a blast from the past
Friday, March 16, 2007
i took these. it took me forty minutes. happy st. patrick's day.
Monday, January 22, 2007
We're the fans, and she is THE Regina Spektor.

it was a great thing, so see her play. she's so good in person...almost better than on the cd. she played tons of stuff from all of her different albums. the first thing she said when she walked on stage and the crowd ERUPTED, was, "Hello...why are there so many of you?"
it was funny, she was a funny gal. very smiley and young, and just poured herself into the music she was playing, and making sounds along with the music. i think she could definitely do beat-box if she wanted.
i was on my tippy toes half the time trying to see her over all the heads (we were on the floor level about 15 ft. from the stage), and so afterwards my lower back and calves hurt like a mother.
sampson went back to bed,
not much hair left on his head,
ate a slice of wonderbread and then went back to bed,
i cut his hair myself one night,
a pair of dull scissors and a yellow light,
told me that i'd done alright,
kissed me till the mornin' light, the mornin' light...
she said "thank you guys so much!" and left, but returned for the oncore singing this song and another one. i was excited. it's one of my favorites.
so, good night to all, and to all a good night.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
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